Sunday, December 23, 2007

Congrats from Dr. Mehta

Dearest Tarunbhai,

Gesundheit (Good spirits)and congrats.

Mr. Clean (MODIJI) has proved himself again as a Sui –Generis. The overwhelming mandate of masses has clearly shown that Mr. Modi is not a Caudillo as he was often alleged.

Moreover, he is emerged as person of sinewy personality. He is an iconoclast who believes in development rather than putting a spoke in one’s wheel. As all of us were on tenterhooks as grotesque Media played gimmick and hyped irrelevant issues. Our media is hooligan and the results of Gujarat will be a yard stick for it. I am also very pleased to notice that people of Gujarat are so intelligent and active that they clubbed themselves and used every possible means to communicate each other what is surreptitious and what is writ large. To me it appears as a triumph of lissome ideology and really modern India needs altruist like Mr.Modiji to egress as a prowess nation.

I also liked the statement that Mr. Modiji reiterated as soon as results are declared on media that he is not a CM but matter of fact he is a COMMON MAN.( Why not it is a victory of masses ) It itself enough to prove that MODIJI is a perspicacious and a person of great humility.

Always yours,
Dr. Naveen K. Mehta,

P.S. from Tarun:

Sunday, December 16, 2007

मोदी फिर जीतेंगे- एक्जिट पोल - Josh 18

Josh 18 writes, "गुजरात में लगातार तीसरी बार भारतीय जनता पार्टी (भाजपा) की सरकार बनने और नरेन्द्र मोदी के सत्ता में बने रहने के पूरे आसार हैं हालांकि राज्य उनकी पार्टी को कुछ सीटों का नुकसान उठाना पड सकता है।"

पढ़िए: गुजरात चुनाव 2007

Modi looks set for a third term: The Indian Express

The Indian Express says, "A little dented, but Modi looks set for a third term

If the science of opinion polling is anything to go by, Chief Minister Narendra Modi is likely to create an electoral history of sorts by returning to power in Gujarat."

Read the complete story...


Monday, December 10, 2007

Dr. Naveen Mehta: Beware Gujarat. It is your turn to show them exit gate

Dr. Naveen says, "Dear Tarun Bhai ,

Please post this on your blog .

I am wondered why media - people talk about leaders those who do not have any morals and ethics. Even have no visions and zeal for progress ad development. These so called leaders are black-sheep. The person who is leading the campaign of ante –
Gujarat party also ruled (literally Ruined and ramshackle) our State MP twice but at the last people dethroned a wishy-washy and sycophant (High command -Ammas boy) leader.
Beware Gujarat. It is your turn to show them exit gate. I am very sorry to write that our state (MP) was ruled mostly by NON- BJP parties, See the example and learn from it. Our rate of progress is very slow and still MP is regarded a backward state though rich in culture, heritage and resources.
I found myself quite unfortunate that I lived at VV Nagar for a very petite time yet I still miss (to be very honest -especially hospitality of Gujarat). Take me for example an interloper (Though my ancestors were born and bought up at Gujarat) yet I have found GUJARAT the most Effervescent and well planned developed state. I observed following points in comparison to other neighboring states:-
Roads of Gujarat are supple and well constructed.
There is no dearth of water for irrigation purposes. (I am sorry to write that our state is not able to utilize the water of river Narmada but I like to appreciate at the same time Mr. Modi’s unflinching efforts to build and spread the network of Narmada canals even in far and wide areas.)
Gujarat is developing as an IT state It can be developed as Knowledge- Sourcing state as it has all the potentials.
There is no shortage of electricity. (No power cuts like other neighboring state)
There are plenty of jobs available for bright and outstanding Gujarati as well non Gujarati job seekers.
People are nice co-operative and honest even in Government organizations. Work culture is very high and holistic. There is less/no corruption in government departments.
There is peace and harmony among denizens.
Therefore, Gujarat recovered from natural calamities in no time.
And Credit goes to one and only Lion- hearted Mr Narendra Modi’s able leadership and policies which reminds me shri Sardar bhai Patel iron man like image. So My Gujarati Brothers and sisters it for you to distinguish between PROGRESS or REGRESSION.
Naveenbhai ,Ujjain (MP)

Yours truly,
Dr. Naveen K Mehta"

Dhruv: your blog is evident of our growth

Dhruv Joshi says, "today's DNA states that gujarat has been chosen as top investment destination on the parameters of socio-economical stability and growth..... your blog is evident of our growth....keep growing"

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Tushar Desai: Great Video, Good Information!!

Shri Tushar Desai says, "Dear Tarunbhai, Great Video, Good Information!! Do the Media, Talk Show Hosts, Eminent Persons on Discussion Panels, et. al, not know about all these when they sanctimoniously being bashing Gujarat . . . . . . seems like Gujarat has become everyone's favourite whipping boy . . . . . . is is frustration or jealously or simply malice which causes them to rant and rave, I wonder . . . . . . . . Thank you for the Video and please keep up the good work !! - Tushar".

Video: Gujarat has taken a giant leap forward under Narendra Modi

Saturday, December 8, 2007

R. C. Desai: Development Of Gujarat

Shri R. C. Desai's email is reprinted here:

Development Of Gujarat

According to a recent study on the "Outlook for corporate investments", conducted by the Reserve Bank of India, Gujarat ranks first in India with the proposed investments of $17.8 billion in 86 projects, comprising 25.8 per cent of the total investments of $69 billion made in India during 2007. With five per cent of India's population, the State accounts for 16 per cent of industrial production, which stood at $44.4 billion in 2005-06. It boasted of a per capita income of $ 630, against the national average of $516.5. Over 41 persons out of 1,000 in the State had cellular connections (National average: 26 out of 1,000) and 118 out of 1,000 persons owned motor vehicles (National average: 57) by the end of that year..

Gujarat has made excellent progress in the realms of power, oil and gas, chemicals and petrochemicals . It has developed excellent roads, ports, provides 24 hour round electric power and supplies water to all most all water deficit towns and cities.

The government under Modi has fueled the corporate India's dreams of going global and, in the process setting new standards in industrial and economic excellence. It has also made great progress in establishing S E Zs which will push Gujarat higher up in industrial productivity.

The state's economy had been growing at 10%+ rate year after year. . If this is the story of growth under Hindutava, so be it, every Gujarati and I hope all Indians should welcome that.

Now you know for whom voters of Gujarat should vote.

Chitra Ramesh: ANY progress that Gujarat has seen in these global times is due to Narendra Modi

Mrs. Chitra Ramesh's email is reprinted here:

Tarun this is a wonderful dialogue you have begun.

As a non Gujarati I strongly believe that any progress that Gujarat has seen in these global times is due to Narendra Modi. Kudos to him to bring in progress and prosperity in the state. Of course there is still plenty to do and we cannot pat our back right now but there is no sphere which is untouched.

Which state can boast of providing the roti, kapda and makan ? In this state every denizen can afford to buy a house whereas in larger and the 'IT' metros a small establishment will be a whopping 40 - 50 lacs !!!

In which state can girls walk easily after 10 pm ?

which state can claim to provide power and drinking water to all ?

Which state has the patriotic persons giving back to its home society - a la Dhirubhai, Adanis etc ?

Here it is a pride to call oneself a Gujarati even if one is not.

Thank you Gujarat for accepting non gujjus as one of you!!

Only Narendrabhai can make a good chief minister. We should in fact make him the Prime minister!!

R.C. Desai: Manmohansingh calls BJP a communal party!

R.C. Desai says, "Manmohansingh calls BJP a communal party!

The P M of the country forgets that he is supposed to be secular and not anti-Hindu.

When he calls B J P communal, what does he call Muslim League? Is it secular? Can any Hindu become member of that party? And the Congress has always allied with Muslim league.

Further he says no body is safe in Gujarat! Wonder of all wonders, he forgets in Nandigram ruled by his guides who was safe?

In fact If you happen to be a Hindu and talk about appeasement or about greatness of Hindu culture or Hindu religious beliefs, then God only can save you from U P A government. Sorry God cannot save you because this government and allies like D M K and CPI(M) refute even existence of God. They do not believe in Ram, believe only in "Rome"

Further see the plight of Kashmiri Pandits and inaction of this Government! It is rightly said that Manmhansingh as guided by Soniaji has to plead for Tolerance towards Jehadi terrorism and prevent Afzal from being hanged and thwart

the judgement of Supreme court."

Gaurang from London: VOTE BJP SAVE GUJARAT

Gaurang from London, UK says, "Dear Tarunbhai.
I am gaurang (Globarena) from london. Yes I am 100% agree with u.

Gujarat : A holistic growth story Building a success story The way forward

Shri R. C. Desai's email is reprinted here:

This is a growth story by a professional group KMPG about vibrant Gujarat,THis you may put on your blog. It is a report preprared by a proffessional group.
It has come from Tushar Desai.

Gujarat : A holistic growth story Building a success story The way forward

The success story of Gujarat stands out amongst the Indian states as one of the most dynamic growth stories . This was evident during the Vibrant Gujarat Summit , where the State attracted nearly USD 100 billion investments in January 2007. This figure is more than what China attracts as FDI in a year!

Gujarat 's State GDP has grown by 12 percent in real terms in the last 12 years.

The State needs to benchmark itself with the best in the world – Dubai,

Singapore , China – and not become complacent by doing better than other Indian states. Gujarat, therefore, should consider such growth accelerators that will enable it to draw the best in class and bring about a paradigm shift in the State. This needs to be fleshed out further to facilitate growth and become the economic driving force for India .

Clearly for India to grow at 10 percent, Gujarat needs to grow at 15 percent. This discussion note put forward by KPMG and CII identifies focus areas and an approach to make Gujarat 2015 vision a 'reality'.


Gujarat continues to occupy a distinctive position in the Indian economy. With 5 Percent of the country's population and 6 percent of the country's geographical area , Gujarat contributes to about 16 percent of industrial production in India. The State has witnessed an annual average growth of 9 percent in the last three Years.(GDP is estimated at USD 38.4 billion) and an average industrial growth of 15 percent for the same period. However, these macroeconomic statistics look much more impressive on a closer look at the industrial landscape of the State.

Accounting for 16 percent of the industrial production of India, Gujarat has demonstrated leadership in many areas of manufacturing and infrastructure sectors. Almost 50 percent of the country's refined petroleum products and 45 percent of the drugs and pharmaceuticals is from Gujarat. The State's exports stand at 14 percent of India's total exports, exhibiting a strong global orientation of the industrial structure.

The above indicators are a result of robust foundation of Gujarat's economy. At a broad level the following four components have been primarily responsible for the economic vibrancy of the State:

Investment: Traditionally, Gujarat has been able to attract significantly highest levels of investments, including Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) in India. In 2006, over INR 229,928 crore worth of investments were made across 8,126 sectors. In the last five years, Gujarat has attracted highest investment among all states in India and is worth INR 1,82,998 crore. The fixed capital investment of the State stands at USD 18 billion, accounting for 18 percent of the fixed investment of India. This impressive investment focus has been a prime driver for Gujarat to generate and sustain accelerated economic growth

Demographic: The people of Gujarat are globally recognized as highly entrepreneurial and industrious . The risk taking ability, along with the mature level of commercial knowledge, has made the State the fountainhead of a new enterprise. The labour force in Gujarat is reasonably skilled in areas such as diamonds, chemicals, petrochemicals and pharma sectors. The cost of labour is also competitive in Gujarat, which along with the impressive infrastructure adds to the overall productivity of the State. Gujarat is one of the most urbanized

states in the country with nearly 40 percent of population residing in urban areas. This has had a positive influence on the growth of industry in the State.

Manufacturing: The share of manufacturing sector in the GDP of Gujarat is nearly 40 percent, compared to 42 percent coming of the services sector. This is substantially different from the trend witnessed at an all India level, where the industry constitutes not more than 30 percent and the services sector contributes nearly 56 percent of the GDP. Over a period of time, Gujarat has successfully diversified its industrial base. At present, Gujarat has a production share of over 34 percent in petroleum products and 27 percent in chemicals and

pharma in India. In engineering industries it stands at 9.3 percent, food and processing at 8.7 percent, textiles & apparel at 6.9 percent. In the gems & jewellery sector, Gujarat accounts for 80 percent of the processed diamonds and 90 percent of diamond exports from India. These statistics clearly indicate that manufacturing plays a critical role in generating economic growth and development. Moreover, the diversity and concentration (in the form of clusters)

of various manufacturing sectors has given this sector a unique vibrancy in the State's economy and policy. It is proposed to make Gujarat the best in the world by 2015.

Those who are interested further may see this link,

After reading this there is hardly any body who can doubt the success story of Narendra Modi's Govenment.
We can vote for growth, vote for Modi, vote for B J P, vote for Gujarat, vote for 'JITEGA GUJARAT '

Visit my blog at

Friday, December 7, 2007

A diehard Patel: Fallacy of Patels Voting for Congress.

A diehard Patel says, "The media which does not know reality of Gujarat are propagating that Patels of Gujarat will not vote for BJP!
  • In fact it will be otherwise, because Congress is projecting Shankersinh Vaghela as the leader of Gujarat Congress. However he is one person who broke the Government of Keshuibhai who is much respected .

  • Bharat Solanki is son of Madhavsinh Solanki and Grand son Ishwarbhai Chavada who both had no love lost for Pates and who in fact made Patels more or less powerless in their time.

  • Shri Dinshaw patel was recognized only after several years and made a minister of state only. In fact he deserves to be a cabinet minister. More over he is being made sacrificial goat and is made to fight elections against Mr. Modi and yet in event of his win he is not being projected as future c M

  • Worst of all it was Nehru –Gandhi family which always tried to suppress love and respect which entire India held him in. They were instrumental in stopping the honour due to great Sardar.

  • The only Patel who wields some influence in congress is Mr. Ahmed Patel.who is not a real Patel.

  • Do you think Patels will vote for congress? Then surely you have to doubt sanity of Patels! I am sure Patels who are very wise and a great community will never support Congress as community. May be a few individuals will!

  • Now let Patels judge for themselves."

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Gujarat Elections 2007: R. C. Desai: why we should not Vote for congress?

Shri R. C. Desai says, "GPCC president Mr. Bharat Solanki says If congress comes to power it will remove slave mentality of Gujarat Government Servants!!!!!

What an Irony! Remember it was during Indiraji's time that a doctrine of Commited bureacracy was propagated?

Remember the slave mentality of dynastic politics started due to these congressmen?

Remember the recent AI CC meeting where Rahul was anointed as the Crown prince?

Remember the sycophancy by all including our P M hailing him as showing the path of devlopment?

Rahul might have capability for Good work, but so have thousands others, Can any body show a single projet initiated/ implemented by Mr. Rahul Gandhi on his own?

Does any body remember a foreign Minister of India acting as a messenger boy for Gandhi family in the matter of Boffors?

Right now people of Gujarat know that Gujarat has developed at a Rapid rate due to Government Of Narendra Modi .

Then for whom should we vote?"

* I would like to thank Shri R. C. Desai for his input.

Pravin Sheth: Images of Transformation: Gujarat & Narendra Modi

Shri Pravin Sheth says, "Dear Tarun,

Abhinandan for your initiative as an active citizen.Incidently, my book(second edition,November, 2007) on "Images of Transformation: Gujarat & Narendra Modi" is published by Team Spirit Pub.,Narayan Nagar,Paldi,Ahmedabad.

All must makeit a point to go to the polling booth to vote.The middle class & professionals, so-called 'sukhi manaso' are known for their political indolence by non-voting.
Best wishes,

Pravin Sheth".

Pravin Sheth, 280 Chantecler Dr, Fremont CA, 94539 USA

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

In the reign of Mr. Modi

Gujarat has become the only state with:

Integrated 2200 km State-wide Gas Grid

-2 LNG Terminals

- 11 airports – highest in the country
- Quality Power supply
- Leading contributor in Diamond Processing, Petroleum and Chemicals
- Rich mineral resources
- Renowned educational institutes, such as Indian Institute of Management and Centre for Environment Planning & Technology

R. C. Desai: why we should not Vote for congress?

Shri R. C. Desai says, "why we should not Vote for congress?

Soniaji calls Gujarat as Godse's Gujarat!

Digvijaysinh Warns about Hindu Terrorism!

Do you want to vote for this party which abuses Gujaratis?

Do you want to vote for a party which does not care about Jehadi Muslim terrorisam but calls tolerant Hindus terrorists!

What will happen if we vote fo these people who believe in vote banks and appeasing the minority?

We are all for Muslim brethern prospering In Gujarat. All Rsidents of Gujarat are equal and entitled to all the benifits irrespctive of religion, caste, or creed.


Soniaji after 1984 riots do you consider all congressmen Murderers?
Did not late Rajivji justify massacre of Sikhs in Delhi and all over the country by telling " when a big tree falls the earth shakes'?

There is no justification of riots and killing of innocent men and women of any religious hue.And no real Gujarati supports killings or rape or arson. However remember the longest duration of communal roiots took place under congress rule when Madhavsinh Solanki was C M.

More over Mafia gangs operate In Mumbai where congress rules! Even the Mafia word has come from Italy! Remember GODFATHER?

Certainly two wrongs do not make one right, but we can not vote a party which is ANTIGUJARAT and AntiHindu."

* I would like to thank Shri R. C. Desai for his input.

Kaushal Kotadiya: NAMO is a lion

Mr. Kaushal Kotadiya says, ""NAMO" is a lion. No body can threaten him. I think, Gujarat & Gujaratis need a CM like him who can do anything for the sake of the state. Many people are opposing him but he is strong & steady. No one can beat him. His strenght is his knowledge. He is a good communicator and orator. Let's pray & vote for him & his party & wish them a grand victory!!!!!!"

* I would like to thank Mr. Kaushal Kotadiya for his input.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Manoj Pandya: Mr.Narendra Modi has fire in his belly as a ruler

Mr. Manoj Pandya says, "I am for Mr.Narendrabhai Modi.His clear vision for the development of the Gujarat State and clear words which a common man understand .

I any one thinks of congress then they must understand that one day we will be ruled by Priyank Wadher's childern .Is it that only one family in whole of INDIA has the ability and intrest in developing INDIA.

Mr.Narendra Modi has fire in his belly as a ruler.

Manoj Pandya."

* I would like to thank Mr. Manoj Pandya for his input.

Dr. Karia: Before Narendra Modi took over

Dr. Dinesh Karia says, "May I expect a compilation of the facts like:

(1) Before Narendra Modi took over, the height of the dam was 90m and as on today it has gone to 121m. Actually, the elevation of the highest point from the lowest point (technically termed as the maximum height) is 163m.

(2) Before Narendra Modi took over, GSRTC, GEB, GSFC were showing the deficiencies of more than 3000 crores and now, for example, each of them boasts the profit of more than 300 crores.

(3) The X Plan Period estimates was more than the total of all the previous plans and XI Plan is still to set a new record.

(4) During the reign of Mr. Modi, it was very first time in the History of Gujarat that we dreamed of a Central University in Gujarat.

(5) Gujarat is the only State which has almost 92% of its road surfaced. The majority of work was carried out in 2006-07."

* I would like to thank Dr. Dinesh Karia for his input.

Gujarat Elections 2007 - Let us push the doers ahead

Dear Friends,

I am Tarun Patel from BJP and Mr. Narendra Modi's Gujarat.

TODAY I am launching my online campaign to help the doers be WINNER. I am using the word "doers" for Mr. Modi who has helped the State be at No.1 in each and every concern of development.

REQUEST: In the next posts I am putting the information i.e. why and how can we say "Gujarat is developed" during the reign of Mr. Modi.

I want to reach maximum number of people through my campaign.

When you open this blog please post a comment on the blog about the Gujarat Elections and the role played by Mr. Modi.

After posting the comment, forward this blog url to your contacts who live in Gujarat.



R. C. Desai: Sardar was awarded Bharat Ratna

Shri R. C. Desai says, "I refer to front page article "Asli sardar kaun hai" by Mr. Prashant Dayal. I draw your attention to the facttual errors. Dinshaw's house and Sardar Patel's birth place is Nadiad and not Karmsad as mentioned in the article.

Sardar Patel memorial in Karmsad is due to the efforts of Late Shri Jethabhia V Patel of Karmsad and H M Patel erstwhile chairman of C V M and C A M and close associate of The Great Sardar during partition days. Let us also not forget that the Congress party under the banner of which Resp.Dinshaw is contesting elections was anti Sardar
for a long time.

That is why Sardar was awarded Bharat Ratna, many years later, after even Rajivji was awarded it. Even his portrait was placed only after Dinsha, Deepak Sathi and all other M Ps of BJP took up the matter with the concerned authorities. The name Of Sardar is invoked only after politicians realised his name's vote getting ability.

Thanking you once again".

Dinesh: I am also in favour of Modi

Dinesh says, "Hello Dear Tarunbhai,

I have read your message. I am also in favour of Modi because he has really developed gujarat. He has tried to remove corruption in all the fields. He is the only person who can make bright future of Gujaraties not only in India but also abroad. As a Gujarati, we need such a leader for our great Gujarat who can lead us on the right path."

Mr. Dinesh Chauhan works as a Communication Skills trainer with H. M. Patel Career Development Center.

Putul Mishra: people settled here from other states are also excited about this election's result

Putul says, "Hi Tarun,

When I read the title or subtitle "what gujaratis say", I felt that you think Gujarat's Election matters only to Gujaratis. But let me tell you people settled here from other states are also excited about this election's result similarly. I can guarantee most of them will be craving for Modi's reign once again because Gujarat's development in a way affects their life too.

I have no doubt in his invincibility for this time too.The people who play as spoilers of Modi are the BJP dissidents, Saurastrians & central gujaratis. BJP rebel leaders, particularly those who have been forced to abandon the saffron side because of him, are only working in tandem with the Congress to bring Modi down. But they are of no considerable number to throw Modi out of his throne. All who are in support of Modi are also backing Gujarat's development indirectly.I'll vote for Modi & I think all reasonable & sensible man would vote for him only.


Ms. Putul Mishra works as a Communication Skills trainer with H. M. Patel Career Development Center.

Shekhar Shukla: The days are far gone

Shekhar Shukla says, "The days are far gone when people used to sit and ponder over the fact that the government is simply doing nothing apart providing music to the ears in the form of false promises; the proud people and specially the young brigade of Gujarat have taken inspiration from our most loved and respected Chief Minister ever, Mr. Narendrabhai Modi, and have taken a vow to further contribute to fulfilling his dream of building a prosperous Gujarat by making sure that our messenger of prosperity always stays with us as our supreme ray of hope and integrity. This indeed is an exceptional step towards realizing the dream we all wish to be fulfilled as a responsible citizen of India , our Gujarat and our society.

- Shekhar."

Mr. Shekhar Shukla works as a Communication Skills trainer with H. M. Patel Career Development Center.

Read What Gujarati Say

R. C. Desai says, "I am happy. It is a good idea.

Gujarat needs to develop and for that it needs to vote a person like Narendrabhai who has converted words to action.

Congratulations are due to you Tarun."

Paresh Vyas says, "I am going to vote for Mr. Modi and his government. BECAUSE he deserves to be the Sardar of Sardar's State."

H. Mahesh says, "Really an admirable effort and a great way to show concern for the State development."

Nila says, "I am glad you have launched such a campaign.

It will help the people who live virtual life - decide who to vote for.


Thank you everyone for your valuable feedback.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

R.C. Desai: Let us think in terms of 'Gujarat first'

Shri R.C. Desai says, "Friends,

Let us think in terms of 'Gujarat first'

Let us look at the track record of last five years.

Let us not be blinded by selective media hostility.

Let us not be drawn by negativism of congress led by Soniaji.

Let us not politicians under estimate Gujaratis.

Let us not turn blind eye to Jehadi terrorism.

Let us vote "Gujarat Jitega'

Let us vote Narendrabhai.

Join the campign


R. C. Desai."

About R. C. Desai

Shri R. C. Desai is an educationist from the state of Gujarat. He has been with Charutar Vidya Mandal, Vallabh Vidyanagar for more than 40 years. Currently he is the Director of H. M. Patel Career Development Centre, Vallabh Vidyanagar.

Gujarat Elections 2007 - Let us push the doers ahead

Dear Friends,

I am Tarun Patel from BJP and Mr. Narendra Modi's Gujarat.

TODAY I am launching my online campaign to help the doers be WINNER. I am using the word "doers" for Mr. Modi who has helped the State be at No.1 in each and every concern of development.

REQUEST: In the next posts I am putting the information i.e. why and how can we say "Gujarat is developed" during the reign of Mr. Modi.

I want to reach maximum number of people through my campaign.

When you open this blog please post a comment on the blog about the Gujarat Elections and the role played by Mr. Modi.

After posting the comment, forward this blog url to your contacts who live in Gujarat.