Friday, December 7, 2007

A diehard Patel: Fallacy of Patels Voting for Congress.

A diehard Patel says, "The media which does not know reality of Gujarat are propagating that Patels of Gujarat will not vote for BJP!
  • In fact it will be otherwise, because Congress is projecting Shankersinh Vaghela as the leader of Gujarat Congress. However he is one person who broke the Government of Keshuibhai who is much respected .

  • Bharat Solanki is son of Madhavsinh Solanki and Grand son Ishwarbhai Chavada who both had no love lost for Pates and who in fact made Patels more or less powerless in their time.

  • Shri Dinshaw patel was recognized only after several years and made a minister of state only. In fact he deserves to be a cabinet minister. More over he is being made sacrificial goat and is made to fight elections against Mr. Modi and yet in event of his win he is not being projected as future c M

  • Worst of all it was Nehru –Gandhi family which always tried to suppress love and respect which entire India held him in. They were instrumental in stopping the honour due to great Sardar.

  • The only Patel who wields some influence in congress is Mr. Ahmed Patel.who is not a real Patel.

  • Do you think Patels will vote for congress? Then surely you have to doubt sanity of Patels! I am sure Patels who are very wise and a great community will never support Congress as community. May be a few individuals will!

  • Now let Patels judge for themselves."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tarun this is a wonderful dialogue you have begun.

As a non Gujarati I strongly believe that any progress that Gujarat has seen in these global times is due to Narendra Modi. Kudos to him to bring in progress and prosperity in the state. Of course there is still plenty to do and we cannot pat our back right now but there is no sphere which is untouched.

Which state can boast of providing the roti, kapda and makan ? In this state every denizen can afford to buy a house whereas in larger and the 'IT' metros a small establishment will be a whopping 40 - 50 lacs !!!

In which state can girls walk easily after 10 pm ?

which state can claim to provide power and drinking water to all ?

Which state has the patriotic persons giving back to its home society - a la Dhirubhai, Adanis etc ?

Here it is a pride to call oneself a Gujarati even if one is not.

Thank you Gujarat for accepting non gujjus as one of you!!

Only Narendrabhai can make a good chief minister. We should in fact make him the Prime minister!!

December 8, 2007 at 8:26 AM  

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